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  1. Fabric/yarn- natural fibers such as cotton, linen, and wool, will take on and hold natural dye colors best 

  2. Stainless steel pots- stainless steel pots are best to use for boiling the dyes. Stainless steel will not alter the colors of your dyes in the way that aluminum or copper can, and stainless steel will not absorb any toxicity from your dyes or mordants.  When working with different colors, it is best to have a separate pot for each color to avoid unwanted mixing and staining.  

  3. Wooden spoons- wooden spoons should be used for stirring your mordants, dyes, and soaking fabrics.  Similarly to the pots, it may be helpful to use a different spoon for each color of dye.

  4. Cutting board- for chopping vegetables

  5. Measuring cups and spoons- to measure ingredients

  6. Water- for soaking fabrics and boiling the dyes.

  7. White vinegar and table salt- these substances can be combined with water in order to make mordants.  Soaking your fabric in these solutions before dyeing them will help the fabric to hold the dye.

  8. Rubber gloves- Rubber gloves will protect your hands from being stained by some of the dyeing materials such as turmeric that can temporarily stain the skin.

  9. Dyeing materials- Many dyeing materials are easily accessible or can be sustainably sourced.  These can include ground turmeric, avocado pits, red cabbage, and spinach, as we will explore on this site. 

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